What Laws and Regulations Govern the Use of Limited Common Elements?

May 20, 2023 By Kelly Walker

When you live in a condominium or townhome complex, there are certain areas that are shared by all residents. These shared spaces, known as limited common elements (LCEs), are subject to specific laws and regulations which govern their use. Understanding these rules can help ensure that everyone enjoys the benefits of living in a community space without infringing on the rights of others. This article will outline some of the key laws and regulations governing LCEs so you can be sure to abide by them at all times.

Overview of Limited Common Elements:

Limited common elements are areas that are shared by all residents of a condominium or townhome complex. This can include swimming pools, tennis courts, and other recreational facilities. It can also encompass shared hallways and stairwells, as well as parking and storage areas. The primary purpose of these LCEs is to provide amenities for the entire community.

Laws and Regulations Governing the Use of Limited Common Elements:

The laws and regulations governing the use of limited common elements are designed to protect both the individual owners and the community as a whole. These rules typically include:

• Prohibitions on any type of alterations or modifications to shared areas without prior approval from all parties involved.

• Restrictions on what types of activities can be held in common areas.

• Requirements that all owners pay assessments or fees for the shared elements.

• Rules regarding access to LCEs (e.g., only owners can use the pool, guests must be accompanied by an owner).

Examples of Laws and Regulations in Different Jurisdictions:

The laws and regulations governing the use of limited common elements vary from one jurisdiction to another. In some jurisdictions, these rules are enforced by local governments while in others they may be set forth in a condominium or townhome association’s bylaws. Here are some examples of laws and regulations that may apply in your area:

• Restricting the use of LCEs to specific hours.

• Placing restrictions on who can access certain shared spaces (e.g., swimming pool).

How to Comply with Local Laws and Regulations Regarding Limited Common Elements:

The best way to ensure that you are adhering to local laws and regulations regarding limited common elements is to familiarize yourself with them. If you live in a condominium or townhome complex, check your building’s bylaws as well as any applicable city ordinances for guidance.

Benefits of Following the Law for Owners, Tenants, and Property Managers:

Adhering to the laws and regulations governing the use of limited common elements is essential for everyone involved. For owners, following the law can help protect their rights as well as their investments. It also ensures that tenants enjoy a safe and comfortable living environment. It helps property managers maintain order in their buildings and ensure that all residents are complying with the rules.

Tips for Navigating Local Rules When Using Limited Common Elements:

Navigating local rules when using limited common elements can be tricky. To ensure that you are abiding by the law, it’s important to familiarize yourself with any applicable laws and regulations. If you are unsure about what is allowed or not allowed in your building, check with your property manager for guidance.

Resources for Finding Out More Information About Local Laws and Regulations Regarding:

If you’d like to find out more information about local laws and regulations regarding limited common elements, there are a few resources available. Your condo or townhome association may have bylaws that set forth specific rules for the use of these common elements. Websites such as zillow.com can provide helpful information about local real.


It’s important for everyone involved in a community to understand and comply with the laws and regulations governing the use of limited common elements. These rules are designed to protect the rights of both owners and tenants as well as maintain order in the community. By familiarizing yourself with applicable laws, you can ensure that your use of limited common elements is in line with legal requirements. Websites such as zillow.com can provide helpful information about local regulations and bylaws regarding LCEs.


What types of activities can be held in common areas?

The specific activities that are allowed to take place in common areas depend on the local laws and regulations, as well as the bylaws set forth by your condo or townhome association. Generally speaking, these areas should only be used for appropriate activities related to the building’s operations.

What happens if I don’t follow the rules regarding limited common elements?

If you do not comply with local laws and regulations regarding limited common elements, you could be subject to fines or other disciplinary action. Your condo or townhome association may take action against you for failing to adhere to their bylaws. It’s important to be aware of all applicable rules when using limited common elements.

Who is responsible for maintaining the limited common elements?

In most cases, it will be the responsibility of the condo or townhome association to maintain and repair any limited common elements in their building. It’s important to check with your property manager or association to find out what is required of owners and tenants when it comes to limited common elements.

What if I have questions about the laws and regulations governing limited common elements?

If you have any questions or concerns about local laws and regulations regarding limited common elements, it’s always best to check with your property manager or association. They will be able to provide guidance based on the specific bylaws of your building.

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